Monday, November 28, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Brian and Anna Maria Clement on fruits, sprouts and weeds Annet van Dorsser & Esmé Stevens from Raw Food Europe interviewed Brian and Anna Maria Clement in Amsterdam, March 26, 2008.We asked: "What is the best food to eat, if you don't want to eat 100% raw. Brian's answer from a scientific background is remarkable. Don't eat too much fruit. Many people eat massive amounts of fruit and fruit sugars in their raw food diet. There are different reasons, why it is better to avoid this. Sprouts, greens and weeds are much healthier. If you do want to add other foods, it is better to add some cooked vegetables or grains like millet, quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Candida Diet For Vegetarians - What to Eat on an Anti-Candida Diet Program For Vegans & Vegetarians

!±8± Candida Diet For Vegetarians - What to Eat on an Anti-Candida Diet Program For Vegans & Vegetarians

Are you a vegan or vegetarian and want to know what you should be eating on a yeast free candida diet? If so then today you'll find out about how to do the anti-candida diet for vegetarians & vegan. Best of all this is the variation of the candida free diet which yields the greatest results possible. Most people don't realize that.

How to Best do a Anti-Candida diet for Vegetarians

The first thing you need to understand is that if you've gone the route of vegetarianism and you're dealing with chronic yeast infections somewhere along the way it would seem you may have lost sight of what vegetarianism is all about. A correct vegetarian diet is one of the best ways to not only prevent, but eliminate yeast infections. The best thing you need to start doing is get away from all the processed foods that are vegetarian approved but no less dangerous and deadly for your body and get back to eating whole, raw foods. This is your health after all, and vegetarianism is all about being healthy!

Get back to eating whole foods again, especially raw vegetables! If you haven't already, buy a quality juicer and start juicing every day. Constantly eat fruit? If you want to eat fruit all the time stop calling yourself a vegetarian and join up with the fruitarians. Vegetarianism is all about eating veggies! Fruit although great for the body when you don't have a candida overgrowth can be detrimental in your improvement if you eat a large quantity of it every day.

Eat raw garlic every day! I can't believe some vegetarians suffer from candida and still haven't tried eating garlic every day, it's one of the best possible ways to get relief from yeast infections, period! Don't say, oh garlic is gross, we're talking about a health condition that is destroying your life, does it really matter that your breath is going to smell for a little bit?

Cut out the starches and filling up on pastas, breads, cookies and garbage. It's time to get back to the roots of vegetarianism here and it starts with the exclusion of all grains that are not quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat. Plus you should be sprouting all your grains too and eating at least 50% raw!

If you call yourself a Vegetarian and Eat Candy and Junk Food, You're Not a Vegetarian in my Books!

Vegetarianism is all about eating whole foods, it is NOT simply the absence of meat or animal products. When you go vegetarian or vegan, you need to embrace whole foods, raw foods and absolutely no processed foods. It's hard enough for a vegetarian to get proper nutrition without eating whole foods every day, can you imagine how much worse it is when you eat garbage junk foods that drain nutrients from your body! That's exactly what you do when you eat garbage and expect to heal your health condition. If you're a vegetarian and the things I've said don't describe you in the least then I applaud you, because you're doing it right.

For those of you who think that vegetarianism is some fad to protect the animals, and don't get me wrong I love animals, but if that's the case then you're being an idiot! You may as well stop eating altogether; in fact you would probably be better off fasting for a while and that way you would starve out both the yeast and give your body a chance to heal!

Candida Diet For Vegetarians - What to Eat on an Anti-Candida Diet Program For Vegans & Vegetarians

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Healthy Grocery List On A Budget - Here's What To Buy

Check out for the free '7 Secrets For Shaping Up Your Healthy Eating Habits'. Putting together a healthy grocery list on a budget is easier than you might think. And it's actually quite fun. Read the full blog here: What do you think of my list? Is there anything you would add? Let me know below.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mulch - 6 Choices Keep Your Garden Weed-Free

!±8± Mulch - 6 Choices Keep Your Garden Weed-Free

So, you've decided to mulch your garden. But what materials do you use for mulch? There are many organic and several non-organic options available to use to mulch your garden. The important thing to remember is to put down a thick enough layer of mulch material so that it keeps weeds from germinating and conserves soil moisture.

Another thing to remember is to keep the mulch from touching the base or main stem of the plants. This helps keep slugs and other pests from taking up residence in the warm, dark area right next to your plants.

Fallen autumn leaves are a free, abundant material you can mulch your garden with. They have a tendency to mat down so find a way to shred or break them apart. You can use a wood chipper or shredder. If you don't have access to one of those, you can spread them on the ground in a 2 to 3 inch layer and mow over them with your lawn mower. Another way to break them up is to put them into a hard plastic bucket or trash can and go after them with your weed wacker. Spread shredded autumn leaves 2 to 3 inches thick.

Grass clippings are another free mulching material. It's best not to apply freshly mown grass clippings to your garden because their decomposition process causes them to heat up enough that they may damage your plants. Set them aside in a pile for a couple weeks before you add them to the surface of your garden soil. Spread them no more than one inch thick. Grass clippings break down rapidly, so collect and save them each time you mow.

Hay can be a low-cost alternative if it is spoiled and therefore unsuitable for livestock. Apply hay to a depth of 6 to 8 inches or 2 to 3 inches if you chop or shred it first. The downside of hay is that it usually contains weed seeds. However, so-called second- or third-growth hay that has not gone to seed will eliminate that problem. This is usually available after midsummer. An alternative is straw, which is weed-free but more expensive.

Wood chips are aesthetically pleasing and decompose slowly. Some municipalities offer wood chips to their citizens free for the taking. Spread wood chips to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. Because they rob nitrogen from the soil, fertilize the plants with high-nitrogen fertilizer.

Buckwheat hulls look good, retain moisture and decompose slowly. However, they can be expensive and may sprout and begin growing. Spread them no more than two inches thick. They may blow around in high wind or move around from rainfall.

Newspapers are another free source of mulch. Lay them on the ground at least two layers thick. They will only last one season but work very well in suppressing weeds. A good way to use newspapers as mulch is to lay them in the paths between the rows. Another way is to put them under a more aesthetically pleasing but more expensive mulch material. You'll be able to stretch the more expensive material by putting down a thinner layer of it.

Whatever you choose to mulch with, it will go a long way to helping your garden be more productive and less work for you. And who doesn't like that?

Copyright Sharon Sweeny, 2009. All rights reserved. 

Mulch - 6 Choices Keep Your Garden Weed-Free

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