Sunday, October 30, 2011

Discover How to Grow Your Own Source of Vitamins, Fiber, Proteins, and More

!±8± Discover How to Grow Your Own Source of Vitamins, Fiber, Proteins, and More

Sprouts not only taste good, but they are also a great source of
vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is
produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can
grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat,
and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common
source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils,
soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few.

Sprouts can be grown almost anywhere and the best part is you
only need a few basic supplies to get started. By following a few
simple steps, you can receive a continual supply of nutritious

While there are several commercial products available to
cultivate sprouts, here are three of the easiest methods to help
you get started.

- Growing Sprouts in Flower Pots -

1. Start with a clean clay or plastic flower pot. Make sure
there is a hole in the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage.
Then place a piece of cheesecloth or muslin in the bottom of the
pot over the hole so that the seeds/beans cannot fall out.

2. Next, soak the seeds or beans overnight and then put them in
the pot. Remove any that are broken or damaged. Cover the plant
pot with a dish.

3. Once a day, hold the pot under running water for a few
minutes. This is to soak the seeds/beans thoroughly.

4. Once the sprouts begin to show, remove the dish and cover the
pot with a piece of clear plastic wrap to let in the light. Place
the sprouting pot near a window that allows daylight but is not
in direct sunlight.

- Growing the Sprouts in Trays -

1. Soak the seeds or beans overnight. Remove any that are broken
or damaged before you begin the sprouting process.

2. Select a low, flat dish (like a pie plate) or tray. You can
purchase growing trays wherever planting supplies are sold.

3. Next, spread out a 2-inch layer of soil and then sprinkle the
soaked seeds or beans on top of the soil.

4. Cover the seeds/beans with four layers of damp newspaper.

5. Cover the top of the tray with clear plastic wrap.

6. When the sprouts start to lift the plastic cover, (usually
about three days) remove the newspaper.

7. Place the tray in a window so that the light can turn the
sprouts green. You will need a space to place the sprouting tray
that receives daylight but is not in direct sunlight.

8. Because the thin layer of soil dries out quickly, water twice
each day.

9. After about 8-10 days, you will have sprouts tall enough to

- Growing Sprouts in a Jar -

1. Soak the seeds, grains, or beans in lukewarm water overnight
in a wide-mouth glass jar. Remove any that are broken or damaged
before you begin the sprouting process. (Sprouting increases the
seed volume. 4-tablespoons will be sufficient for a quart size

2. In the morning, pour off the water in the jar and rinse the
seeds/beans thoroughly.

3. Place a piece of cheesecloth or muslin over the mouth of the
jar. Use a rubber band to hold the material securely in place.
This makes rinsing easier.

4. To keep the sprouts constantly damp, repeat the rinsing 2-3
times a day. Remember to drain any excess water because the
sprouts should not stand in water.

5. Keep the jar away from the light for the first few days.

6. When the seeds/beans begin to sprout, (usually about the
forth day) move the jar into the light to activate the
chlorophyll and turn the sprouts green.

- Harvesting and Storing the Sprouts -

Newly germinated grain, seed, and sprouts, increase in food value
in the very first period of growth. Grains should be harvested
and eaten from when they are six days old until they are 4-5
inches tall. To harvest, just take your kitchen scissors and cut
what you need.

Sprouts from beans, peas, etc., are ready earlier and can be
eaten when they are 3-6 days old, depending on the type of
sprout. For spouts grown in no soil or in seed trays, you can
harvest the green "grass" when it starts to grow. Sprouts, from
grain sown in jars, are ready sooner and are edible even before
they turn green. Seeds sown in soil take a little longer.

If necessary, wash the sprouts thoroughly to remove the seed
coat. Sprouts need to be stored in the refrigerator once they are
ready to eat. Put them in tight sealing bags, and they
will remain flavorful and crisp for one to two weeks. Rinsing the
sprouts daily under cold water can extend their life.

Sprouts may be frozen by blanching them over steam for three
minutes and then cooling them in ice water. Drain them and pack
into freezer containers.

- Some of the Kinds of Seeds/Beans You Can Sprout -

The following list gives some of the popularly sprouted
seeds/beans. It is not all inclusive as you can sprout almost any
kind of seed. Remember that seeds soak up 2-3 times their dry
volume in water and sprouts need at least six times the volume
occupied by the seeds. So be sure that your container is large
enough, and start with a minimal amount of seed in a container
like a jar, until you determine the correct quantity that will
grow to the sprout size you like, without being difficult to

Your local garden shop or health food store will carry a line of
seeds for sprouting. When purchasing seeds for sprouting, be
certain that the seeds are intended for food and not for
planting. This precaution is necessary because some seeds meant
for planting have been treated with fungicides or insecticides to
protect the young seedlings when planted in a field or garden.

Alfalfa - should be soaked for 6-12 hours. The seeds can be
planted in the pots or jars and also in the flats with soil.
1-part seed gives 10-parts sprouts in approximately 5-6 days.
Sprouts can be eaten after 3 days. When the root is 1-2 inches
long, it will begin to develop tiny green leaves. At this stage,
it needs to be eaten immediately so the plant will not switch to
photosynthesis that exhausts the stored food in the seed.

Peas - when soaked in a glass jar, will grow sprouts in about 3
days. When the roots are 2-inches long, they are ready to eat.
1-part peas gives 2-parts sprouts.

Lentils - can be grown in either a glass jar or a plant pot and
need to be soaked for 12-hours. The sprouts are ready in 3-4
days. Lentil sprouts are ready to be eaten when the root is
1-inch long. 1-part lentils gives 6-parts sprouts.

Barley, Oats, and Rye - should be soaked for 12-hours and then
can either be grown as "grass" to harvest, or sprouts ready to
eat after 3-4 days. The ideal length for eating is about
1/2-inch. 1-part seed gives 2-parts sprouts.

Soybeans - can be grown in a glass jar or a pot. They need to be
soaked for 12-hours and sprouts are usually ready after 3-5 days.
They are ready to eat when the root is 2-inches long. 1-part
beans gives 4-parts sprouts.

Mung Beans - after soaking for 12-hours, these beans can be grown
by any method. Mung beans are the most commonly grown sprouts and
are usually ready to eat after 3-5 days. When the bright, white
root grows from 1-2 inches long, they are ready to eat. 1-part
beans gives 4-parts sprouts.

By growing your own sprouts, you will save yourself money because
it is less expensive to buy sprout seeds and grow and harvest the
sprouts yourself, than it is to buy the sprouts from a market.
Sprouting at home takes only a few minutes a day, and can produce
a good part of your daily requirements of the nutrients you need
from fresh produce. The hassles are minor, the costs are low, and
the freshness is wonderful.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Discover How to Grow Your Own Source of Vitamins, Fiber, Proteins, and More

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beat Depression Naturally by Boosting Your Happy Hormones

!±8± Beat Depression Naturally by Boosting Your Happy Hormones

If you knew there was a shark swimming next to you in the ocean, what would you do? Most people will hightail it out of the water as fast as they can back to the shore. As a matter of fact no one in their right mind is going to let a shark devour them alive! On the same token we can let food be our medicine or we can let food devour us alive. Which would you prefer?

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in cold-water fish, such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, remarkably reduce symptoms of Depression? If you or someone you know suffers from depression, it would be a good idea to eat more of these types of fish. Sardines, oysters and flaxseed, are high on the list of foods with a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. People to eat these foods three or more times a week showed a significant improvement in the thoughts anxiety, insomnia, sadness and suicidal.

Depression is an indication that some hormones leading to the brain, in particular,beta-endorphins and serotonin. When our bodies lack adequate levels of seritonin and beta-endorphins, that balance out our brain chemistry, we may feel hopeless, sad, depressed, touchy to criticism, offended, crave sugar and alcohol and feel isolated and lonely - all signs of depression.

If you suddenly found out that the foods you have been eating are causing an imbalance in your brain chemistry, what would you do? Would you stop eating those foods? Refined foods are insufficient in vitamins and minerals and are like drugs to the brain, especially those people who suffer from depression, self esteem issues, and sugar imbalances. The good news is you can be in control of your health by boosting seritonin and beta-endorphin levels in your brain through a healthy eating lifestyle.

Whole grains, beans and legumes, vegetables and fruits should be incorporated into everyone's diet if they want to live a healthy and long life. If it is processed and denatured, don't eat it. It's really that simple. Let's take a look at some foods that can actually boost hormone levels in the brain.

Foods And Supplements That Boost Happy Hormones

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is found in spinach, turnip greens, garlic, cauliflower, mustard greens, celery, fish, such as tuna, salmon, cod and red snapper. Also chicken and turkey and lean beef tenderloin. Spinach should be eaten raw or either lightly steamed. Remember with any vegetable it is always best to keep it in its natural state as much as possible.


Magnesium levels tend to be lower in people who suffer from depressed moods. Magnesium supplements and foods with magnesium should be incorporated into the daily diet of those who suffer with sadness, anxiety and depressed thoughts. Foods high in magnesium are, halibut, tuna, bananas, dried figs, barley, buckwheat, oat bran, wheat flour, prune juice, almonds, Brazil nuts, black beans, lima beans, broccoli and cornmeal.

Whole Grains and Seeds

Whole grains that are especially good are amaranth, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, whole grain breads and cereals. Nuts and seeds are also great foods that will boost happiness levels. Walnuts are especially good for boosting serotonin. These are healthy, high-protein carbohydrates, which are critical for increasing serotonin.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods and liquids greatly assist in digestion and assimilation of all the important nutrients you need for serotonin. Additionally, they boost the nutrients in your food by at least a hundred fold. Fermented foods manufacture essential B vitamins that help with boosting your mood. Sauerkraut is an excellent source of fermented food. In addition, an excellent fermented drink is Dong Quai, which is great for energy and mood and it decreases cravings for sugar!


The herbal supplements St Johns Wart and Gingko Biloba are excellent natural sources for treating depression and giving the body a boost of energy at the same time. We should never fail to recognize the importance of herbal supplementation in healing certain health conditions with. Herbs work and should be used in conjunction with other helpful natural treatments.

Red Raspberry Tea

Red raspberry tea is especially good for depression and bouts of the blues. This all natural tea balances out the hormones, giving a soothing and calming affect on the body and mind. Herbal teas are good for you and should be a regular part of your diet.


Exercise boosts serotonin level in the brain. Even gentle exercise like walking can boost your immunity and mood. Walking is one of the best activities that virtually anyone can partake in. Walk for life.

Foods That Trigger Depression

Refined sugar

If you suffer from low moods, you may have intense cravings for sugar. This is your body's way of trying to increase serotonin because eating sugar produces insulin, which gives you a temporary feeling of elation. But too much sugar overtime can eventually cause addiction to sugar, insulin resistance, hypoglycemia and alcoholism.


If you are trying to overcome depression you should not drink alcohol or take medications that contain alcohol. Alcohol works against the body, causing havoc within our emotions, which only exacerbate symptoms of depression.


Antidepressants and pain medications are intended to mask the symptoms of depression and throw the bodies hormone system out of whack. The most important thing you can do for your health is to get to the origin of why you are depressed in the first place, so you can stop taking damaging medications. If you want to heal depression the natural way, the first place to start is in your daily diet.

Are you going to let food devour you or will you let food make you well. Having good health in body, mind, and soul is a lifestyle choice. Don't let depression, mood swings, anxiety, or low self worth keep you from enjoying life to its fullest. You can overcome depression and boost your happy hormones with food.

Beat Depression Naturally by Boosting Your Happy Hormones

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Essentials For Sprouting Seeds For Your Parrot

!±8± Essentials For Sprouting Seeds For Your Parrot

Germinate seeds is to provide an easy way for vitamins, minerals and trace elements for your bird and the bird love them. Do not let yourself be intimidated by all the different ideas for directions. There are thousands of different recommendations. The good news is that all the work so feel free to experiment. The most important thing is "Just do it!" Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are released during germination. Cabbage process is basically the beginning of the seed becomesa plant. However, not limited to germinate the seeds. Seeds, sprouted grains and legumes as sources. You will begin to swell when soaked in water. The germination starts, and will change the nutritional value of the seed. A particular innovation is to increase the protein level.

Seed germination and equipment kits of seeds germinated (if necessary) can be purchased at shops healthier. Seed sprouts are basically jars with lids, which allows the flow of air (wire mesh).Simple dinner plates can be used instead of seed-sprouters as described in the directions below. Some good sprouting sources for beginners are sunflower seeds, mung beans, lentils and wheat berries. Other sprouting sources are amaranth, azuki, alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, canary grass, corn, popcorn, millet, oats, rice, rye, triticale, kamut, spelt, almonds, broccoli seeds, cabbage seeds, kale seeds, fenugreek seeds, teff, pumpkin seeds, radish seeds, quinoa, clover, garbanzo (Chickpeas) beans. As mentioned previously, there are several methods for sprouting. The key elements of the simple process are described below.
cover sprouting seeds in tap watersoak in tap water for an appropriate time (see below)rinse with tap waterplace on plate and cover with another platewait until seeds grow small tailsrinse with tap water twice daily while waiting on small tailsdrain off water on paper towelready to eat

One word of caution, sprouts have a very short shelf life and can be dangerous if they die.

The process is very forgiving, and so there are different descriptions of the process, all the work. If you use small seeds germinate, then step 2, a few minutes. For example, buckwheat requires only 15-30 minutes to soak, while barley has soaked for 8-14 hours. Step 5 depends on the seeds germinate and can not last as long as 24 hours. For example, sunflowers sprout normally in about 18 hours, while the alfalfa is 6-8 days. Justthe seeds starts to grow a little tail then it can be fed to your bird. If you wait too long, it will grow a big root and lose its nutrients. The small tail or "short sprout" is a sign that it is ready to be fed to your bird. A "long sprout" is typical of a sprout for human consumption. Also some sprouters prefer to rinse with an antibacterial solution such as Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) or a very diluted bleach solution instead of regular tap water. In my opinion this isn't necessary but it doesn't affect the process. You can refrigerate sprouted seeds for a couple days. However, it is recommended that you rinse them daily until they're used to remove the harmful by-products of the sprouting process.

Essentials For Sprouting Seeds For Your Parrot

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